Ok. This one is a classic. A classic. However I do understand that many people probably haven't seen it since it is so very old. But still, a classic!
A different story every week. Creepy. Supernatural. Mystery. Twists and turns. Abnormal and normal switched. So many great themes and episodes here. I don't even know where to begin. The best part is, they are all in black and white. Sure, you might think that it ages the show and dates it. But you'd be wrong. I think that the black and white aspect only enhance the feelings and undertones of the show. Colorization would take so much away from it, I am so glad Ted Turner hasn't gotten ahold of this series.
Ok, again, I'll admit that many of you probably are unfamiliar with this show. You might know it by name, but that's it. Some of my favorite memories from childhood are with this show. My Dad loved it and I remember watching it with him. I also remember watching the New Years Eve marathon of it every year. Hour after hour of great episodes for nearly 2 days straight. They still do this, I think it's on the SyFy Channel. Luckily you can still find this show on cable every now and then. I highly recommend you give it a shot. It is epic, groundbreaking, amazing. Again, a classic. Find it now and watch a few episodes.
Well, what do you think? Have any clue about this? Did you ring in the new year with it ever? What are your thoughts on black and white?
All is well, 20/26 down, in Drosche Land.
I was such a chicken that I refused to watch this show.