"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

Friday, April 02, 2010

Bunny Prep

Well, Amy and I just finished filling over 60 eggs for the boys for this year's Easter.  Yes, it seems like a lot, but each is only filled with a few pieces of candy, and there are some filled with some change.  They love putting money in their jars.  We are going to get them on the Dave Ramsey plans for kids when they are a bit older.  For now we are just trying to teach them to "save".  They will not make the mistakes we made with money, that's for sure.  But I digress.  This morning has been one busy blur of a Good Friday.  I woke up at 6:15 this morning to find Amy awake since 5:30 and the boys since 6:00.  Amy was already hard at work cooking and preparing for the coming holiday festivities.  We were just talking the other day about how everyone loves the Easter holiday, but nobody every actually "rests" over this vacation.  It is always go go go, this year will be no different.

After lunch today we head to the mall to meet my Mom who is getting an iPhone!  She lost her other one and she has wanted an iPhone since we got ours last year.  So, Amy and I have converted another person to the iPhone.  I am so excited!  Plus we get to go to the Mac store which is always fun.  After that we will be going to their house to help her set it up and learn it.  Tonight we will go to the 931 Good Friday service with Mom.  I am super excited about this because they always lead such an amazing Good Friday and Easter worship.  I know it is going to be an awesome experience, as 931 typically is.
Tomorrow we head to Amy's Mom's house to dye eggs with Amanda and her kids so the boys are super excited about that as usual.  I think right now we are bringing about 3-dozen eggs!  The kids are so cute when dyeing the eggs though, I can't wait for the cute pictures.  We will eat lunch there and head back home to get ready for an evening with friends.  Our college friend Niki and her husband David are coming to Houston today so we will be getting together with them and Sarah & Nathan!  It'll be a like a college days reunion!  We live fairly near Sarah and Nathan but never see them due to such busy schedules.  We haven't seen Niki in 5 years since Sarah and Nathan's wedding so that should be fun.  The boys are coming with us so I know they will charm everyone there once they get over their initial shyness.

Sunday brings Easter morning worship at 931, which I'm also pumped about!  We didn't get to it last year so I am excited for our first time.  After service we will head to Amy's Mom's for Easter lunch/dinner.  Celebrating Thanksgiving with my side of the family and then Easter with Amy's has been a good compromise that seems to work well with everyone.  Then Monday, maybe, might bring some rest and relaxation.  But that remains to be seen, we'll see if anything pops up before then.
So, with a hectic schedule, bags of Easter goodies that the Easter bunny will bring the boys, and a fridge that smells like fart we enter Easter vacation.  I know it will be crazy, but it will also be filled with fun, memories, and some great worship experiences.  As usual though I'm sure we will feel like we need a vacation to recover from our vacation!  

All is well, and hopping along, in Drosche Land.

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