"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


I love my job.

It's a simple as that.  I always have.  No matter how crazy it can be or even when it's frustrating.  I love it.  I truly feel as though i have been called to this wonderful ministry of teaching as well as helping my students to grow in their faith.  (I could go on and on with what I love best about teaching, but that is a topic for another post).  This has only been made more clear with my move to Trinity.  I've loved all my jobs at every school before this, but it seems to me as though everything has been leading up to this.  Everything seems to be falling into place.  It's kind of hard to put into words so I don't know if that does it the justice it deserves.

As you know this past summer was my first true summer.  Boy did I enjoy it.  I have to admit, as you might remember, I was worried that the time away from school would negatively affect me as a teacher.  Crazy I know, but I worry about these things.  Of course, quite the opposite was the case.  The summer was an amazing time for rest and relaxation.  Clear the mind and have a mental break.  I have never really realized this before, but it was amazing.  I know those of you who don't get summer breaks are saying, "Shut up about your summer off" but to late, I've already begun to blog about it.  I absolutely feel that the ease and calm I felt getting ready for this school year is largely due to the break.  These first 2 1/2 weeks have been amazing.  True, it has been a roller coaster, but that's what teaching is a lot of the time and honestly is one of the things I love about it.  

So, I'm feeling blessed to be a proud member of this awesome profession.  As you have probably already come to realize, I had a great day today!  True, not every day can be so wonderful, but today was.  So I will rejoice via blog (and to get one last post in before August is over!).  This also provides me with a happy, rosy-colored glasses, all is wonderful with the world outlook for those days when I may not be feeling so, shall we say, overly pleasant about everything!  Yes those days exist too!  So pause with me for a moment and take a contented sigh - ahhhhhhh - and enjoy the feeling of the I-have-the-most-AWESOME-job bliss!  :)

All is well, and feeling refreshed, in Drosche Land.  

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