"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

Saturday, January 01, 2011


Well, 2011 is officially here.  We decided this year to ring in a new year quite uneventfully by relaxing at home and blissfully doing nothing.  Boy did we do it too!  After Amy and I picked up the boys from my parents' house following our Date Night we made a quick stop at the ridiculously crowded grocery store before heading home to enjoy our brand new couch.  Oh, I totally forgot to mention that the other day so I will go off on a tangent here for a minute to discuss this.  Amy has been gently insisting (bugging) me for the past year and a half to get a new sofa.  I have been holding out and I must give myself credit for lasting so long.  However, I was blindsided the other day when out of the blue Amy mentioned we would go couch shopping.  I was trapped so I went a long.  A day of searching later we are the proud new owners of the most amazing couch in the world!  Thank you Gallery Furniture for your awesome furniture and great deal!  It has 4, yes 4, recliners and a console where we can hide things like remotes!  The best part of it is the fact that it is a 3-piece sectional that includes a full-size sofa, love seat, and a ginormous wedge.  So we can rearrange it however we see fit.  This will come in very handy when and if we ever do move since we obviously do not know what kind of living room we will end up with.  Needless to say, we are thoroughly enjoying our new couch and have been spending as much time as possible lounging on it!  But I digress, time to get back to the post at hand.

With the arrival of a new year I have been debating what my resolution(s) will be.  Such a difficult decision to make every 12 months.  What can I realistically accomplish, stick with, or do???  Maybe this year I will just list all the things I can think of and attempt to get as many of them checked off as possible.  After all, I do love making a good list.  That way if I don't finish all of them I will still have some sense of accomplishment when I check things off.  So, on with the ideas.  Some easy, some quite lofty.  We will see what successes 2011 brings.

-  Lose the 4 (or 5 depending on the day) pounds I have put on this holiday season.
-  Be a more active member in the financial freedom of our family (Amy stop rolling your eyes)
-  Be more patient with the kids, not everything has to be done my way (Amy, didn't I just ask you to stop rolling your eyes ;)!)
-  Finish the Bible reading plan I began last year (only about 2 months left) AND start a new one!
-  Begin praying for the adoption process and our daughter
-  Finish my Masters!  (Yes I know this will obviously be done, but it'll give me something to check off and provide motivation!)
-  Take more pictures of the boys and document everything (should be a cinch with my new camera!)
-  Stop worrying/thinking about the move.  What is meant to happen will happen.
-  Start reading for pleasure more (I still haven't finished Breaking Dawn!)
-  Drink more water!  (Not instead of caffeine, I'm not cutting down on that, but in addition to!)

Ok, so there are 10 things.  I'm sure more will pop into my head over the first few weeks of this new year, but for now that seems adequate right?  Some seem like easy successes, others more ongoing ideas.  Maybe I'll revisit this post in 364 days and see how I've done.  Plus having 10 things will make figuring out percentages easy!  Ok, now let's get to work!

All is well, resolved, in Drosche Land.

    Our awesome new couch - huge & wonderful!


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