"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

When It Rains

It pours.  And let me tell you, right now I've got my slicker, galoshes, and umbrella cause the water is rising!  I'm blogging tonight from Amy's hospital room.  What?!?!  Yes, something has been brewing here in Drosche Land for the past few weeks but I have yet to post about it since we weren't so sure.  However, now that everything has come to head I feel it is time.  See, about a month ago Amy started having some sharp pains in her side.  Uh oh!  We immediately thought, with the help of other symptoms and WebMD, that it was her gallbladder.  I mean, we were well aware that this could happen and was common among gastric bypass patients.  So, bummer, but at least we were prepared.  So we thought.  She began a series of tests and procedures to find out what could be causing the pain.  Everything seemed to be pointing away from the gallbladder though, but we're stubborn so we continued to look to that as an answer.  The pain would get severe but then at other times it would be fine.  This proved frustrating for Amy as she had pain but no answers.  Finally, this past Monday we went in to see her doctor, I went with her as the heavy (don't laugh, I did!) and for support.  We totally, once again, were expecting to hear that he was ready to remove her gallbladder.  That's when HE put us in our place.  Nope, not the gallbladder.  Instead, it was something called adhesions on her intestines, or so the doctor thinks.  His solution?  Exploratory laparoscopic surgery to see if there are adhesions and if so, repair them.  Apparently adhesions are very common among people who experience abdominal surgery.  This threw us, especially Amy, for a loop because it was not according to our plans.  Then he said he could do it the next day!  Yikes!  Well, that didn't give us enough time to prepare so we decided on next week.  Little did we know HE would be reminding us that not everything is on our schedule.

Flash forward to today.  The morning brings Amy some pretty bad pain and she calls her doctor, who is not in.  They tell her to go to the ER, as does our school nurse.  So off we head, spending the day in the ER as she undergoes more tests that ultimately lead the doctor to the same conclusion - adhesions.  However now he decides to admit Amy and we are staring down the fact that she will likely have the surgical procedure tomorrow.  Of course the thought has crossed our minds that maybe we should have scheduled the procedure for yesterday and not tried to force our schedule on life, but you live and you learn.

But the drops keep coming.  Tomorrow is Braeden's Pre-Kindergarten Graduation!  So, we have also had to face the harsh reality that Amy will miss this occasion.  I will be there with the camcorder to catch everything so she will be able to see it.  However, I have the usual gut-wrenching anxiety that he will not do so well.  Only time will tell though as I hope and pray that he gets up there with his friends and joyfully celebrates.  

But wait, there's more.  Remember this is May after all and we are smack in the middle of wrapping up the school year and beginning summer plans.  Throw that craziness in to boot.  One last thing?  Sure, why not?  As I ran home to get clothes and whatnot so I could spend the night with Amy at the hospital I discovered that Rex messed his kennel.  HA!  

So, that brings us up to date I think with the happenings here.  It's always something and this latest adventure is just continued proof that life is what happens when you're making other plans.  So true!  On the upside, the hospital has cable and I am now addicted to 2 new shows on TLC - Extreme Couponing and Pawn Queens.  You should totally check them out!

For now though it is time to head to bed with thoughts and prayers for all kinds of peace and comfort tomorrow for us all.  We will see what it brings!

All is well, grab an umbrella, in Drosche Land.   

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