"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

Monday, February 15, 2010

They Cry if You Punch Them

Well, Saturday night Amy and I sat in bed watching TV and it suddenly occured to me that we had not checked the mail that day.  So, I got my jacket on and walked to the mailbox.  The garage is directly below the boys' room so taking the car wasn't an option.  Lo and behold, there in the mailbox was our informational packet from Great Wall China Adoption, the agency that Amy and I have decided to work with!  We looked through the paperwork and got excited!  We have been doing so much research that we knew much of the information included, but we poured over it anyway.  We didn't get around to watching the DVD until today when we all woke up from our massive nap.  We made the choice to watch it downstairs with the kids in the living room.  We have already decided that we are going to have the boys informed and included in the process from the beginning so we thought that this may be an easy way to broach the topic.  The end result is still a long way away, but better sooner than later to begin talking to them about it.  Braeden was quite intrigued by the video.  Jack, as usual, was difficult to read as he is always doing/thinking/talking about anywhere from 5-10 different topics at once.  About half-way through Amy and I asked Braeden if he would like a little sister from China.  His response is one we will always remember - "Yes, and my baby sister would cry if I punched her."  Needless to say we laughed quite a bit.  Not to alarm anyone, or to insinuate an undercurrent of violence in our house - we have just been working on not hitting our friends at school.  But it makes for a memorable first story.  Once the DVD was over, Braeden kept asking where the little babies were that God was watching over.  We are not sure exactly what me meant, but it was touching thought that encouraged Amy and I to realize that our boys will be as open and loving to this new adventure as we are. 

1 comment:

  1. Today I learned just how much love there is in a Mother's heart. About the time you think its so full it will burst you find there is so much more room to fill. Mine and Dad's concerns of late have been for Amy's good health and we worried a lot about that. To know that she has a change to better her health and you both can move forward with your family shows alot of who you are. I already know what wonderful loving people you are but now it seems I really didnt know just how much you have grown in your relationship until now. There are no words to express my pride and love in what you have choosen to do, but know we support you 100 percent and cant wait for the many talks we will have as the process progresses. Know we love you so Mom and Day
