"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

Monday, January 20, 2014

Top Photos of 2013: 20

Here we are.  The final day of the blog hop.  A few days into this I realized that I wasn't counting down, I was actually counting up.  So, while this is supposed to by my #1 favorite photo of 2013, it is numbered #20.  Oh well.  You get the point.  It also confused me even more when I decided to go month-by-month for the first 12 photos. 

But, I have had a blast these past 20 days posting these pictures here.  Not every post has been done on-time and it's been difficult to determine the order, but I have enjoyed it.  I love looking back at pictures and this gave me a reason do do so, several times.  I feel as though I have relived nearly every moment of 2013 these past 20 days which, I suppose, is part of the point of this blog hop.  If not, that's what I am getting from it.

I have also enjoyed visiting the other blogs that are participating and enjoying their photos and their year.  It is amazing how one simple topic like a blog hop can bring people from all over the globe together.  I have followed new blogs and look forward to continuing to read along once this is all over.  It has been so much fun.

But I digress.  I know what you are waiting for.  My #1 (or #20 as it were) picture.  Which photo made the cut?  Which photo came out on top?  Better than the rest?  The cream of the crop?

Well, I'll be honest.  It is nothing groundbreaking or astonishing.  It is nothing super artistic.  However, I believe it captures 2013, or a major part of it, perfectly.  So here goes.


I know what you're thinking.  Another family shot.  And you're right.  But it is so much more than that.  See, this family portrait is the one we sent off with our initial adoption paperwork.  It is the shot that our agency will review.  That our caseworker will present when our file is discussed.  It is one of the many shots that our future daughter will see before we even meet.  Therefore, it is so special to me.  As I have mentioned before, and will discuss so much more in the coming months, adoption is the focus of 2014 here in Drosche Land.  It's busy, it's time-consuming, it's nerve-wracking, it's exciting.  This is the picture that started a whole new adventure.

Well, there you have it.  20 photos from 2013.  Sort of presented in a order of favoritism.  Sort of.  What a great blog hop!  I hope you've enjoyed it as much as I have!  

All is well, picture perfect, in Drosche Land.


  1. Excellent choice. It's not about composition or lighting or--watch me use my new vocabulary--bokeh; photography is, bottom-line, the capture of moments. As beautiful as a picture might be, significance only comes with understanding what it meant--the whys, the wherefores. Your choice brims with hope, and I'll be checking back often to hear of your progress and cross my fingers for you and your family. All six of you :)

    Thanks for clueing me into Duncan's blog hop, Dusty. It was the most fun I've had since I began blogging, and I look forward to staying in touch with you all.

    1. Thanks so much! I really appreciate it. This has been fun and I have so enjoyed following you and look forward to continuing! Oh and I love the photography terms, bokeh is relatively new to me too! :)

  2. Hi Dusty, that is a wonderful family photo. I wish you all the best with the adoption program you are in, it's a wonderful way to give a child a new life.

    I guess this blog hop had no real definite aim to be achieved, so each participant has probably gotten different feelings out of it. Thanks so much for participating; it's been great seeing your family photos of 2013 and getting to know a little more about your life!

    Guilie, that's great to hear and I'll see both of you this time next year for your best of 2014 :)

    1. Thanks so much! I have so much enjoyed it and think that is has been so much fun. You are right though, it seems everyone has gotten something different out of it, but I think that's what makes it such a success!

  3. Beautiful family photo. Sometimes it is moments we want to capture and these will remain to be looked at over and over again.
    It's been good knowing you through your lenses.
    good luck with your adoption program. God Bless you and your family.

    1. Thanks so much! I will be sure to keep updating on the adoption and so much more!
